A word about the technologist
DIML/Web Components was created and is directed by V. G. Fremaux, french graduate school engineer and actually computer sciences and Information Technology professor in the International School of Computer Sciences in Paris. He started investing on a deep Web knowledge in 1995 when early translating to french the essential RFCs. Diml was one of the soonest approach of Web template technologies, and was born to respond to a pragmatic necessity of managing many independant Web spaces with less effort.

Le DIML in a few questions
What is DIML ?
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What is it made for ?
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Who is it designed for ?
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Active Webs in DIML

Data Injection Markup Language
DIML is a server-side "content assembly" language and template description allowing a prametric approach of Web content. It provides an efficient design to process separation technique, optimizing web production in multiskilled teams.
DIML gives pleasure and efficiency for more than 6 years and thousand of Web pages, demonstrating each time a measurable productivity enhancement compared to "Whisiwhig" editing or more "doftware" approaches of very dynamic Web Site authoring.
Very easy to use on a Web Apache or IIS server, in a Perl/DBI-DBD based scripting environement or as a add-over PHP strategy. Parametric web construction allows dynamism without sophisticated and high-skilled people.
Key points
The WCT Project (Web Component Technology)
WCT is a DIML based project which intends to offer a full featured framework for "Fast but Custom" Web integration. This project develops :
- A full set of components, in which many "Web classics", with a deep attention in how to facilitate component integration.
- A backoffice management utilities, to facilitate component management, instanciation and configuration.

- An open component architecture to allow third party contribution in a tight specification of other developper work (consistency guarantee).
Project metrics :
The DIML Prject
dim files :
pdim files :
html files :
js files :
css files :
perl files :
php files :
WCT (Web Component Technology sub project)
dim files :
pdim files :
html files :
js files :
css files :
perl files :
php files :
Update metrics values
Applicating the WCT_METRICS component