ESSI_Resource : File /home/groups/d/di/diml/htdocs/wct/proto/WCT_USERS/index_.dim not found at line in

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Data Model Templates
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WCT Users (integrators)

Component : WCT_USERS
Id : 023

Database Model

Script for database model creation

# phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Web Component DB Storage Model
# Object Name : WCT_PROTO
# Object SQL : Installation script
# Object ID : 003
# Object Prototype URL :
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Table structure for table 'wct003_proto'
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wct003_proto;
CREATE TABLE wct003_proto (
   Id smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   instance smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
   KEY instance (instance)

Script for database model deletion

# Web Component DB Storage Model
# Object Name : WCT_PROTO
# Object SQL : Uninstallation script
# Object ID : 003
# Object Prototype URL :
# --------------------------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wct003_proto;

Script for database model cleanup

# Web Component DB Storage Model
# Object Name : WCT_PROTO
# Object SQL : Instance cleanup script
# Object ID : 003
# Object Prototype URL :
# --------------------------------------------------------
DELETE FROM wct003_proto WHERE instance = <%%WCT_PROTO::ID%%>;

All material is copyleft V.G. FREMAUX (EISTI France) 1999 to 2003 except explicitly mentioned