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Data Injection Markup Language Reference

Data Request - Compact sql Statement

Module : SQL Extension Group : Requests

Syntaxe 1 :

   [scalar] %>

Syntaxe 2 :

   [scalar] %>

The sql statement is a general requesting instruction that allows a DIML document to execute a SQL query into a datasource and transfers results into DIML multidimensional arrays in a standard way.

source: A data source that has been previously defined by a <%sqlsource statement. If data source is not set, the default data source is given by the SQL::LAST_DEFINED_SOURCE DIML variable.

query: A mandatory attibute that contains the SQL query. The query must be SGML escaped and can contain DIML calls.

This statement is better suited for queries having data results, but may be used successfully for other SQL operation, except queries that input data into the datasource (the only exception to that is when the INSERT or UPDATE query is full litteral).

For longer requests, the query attribute can be set as a DIML indirection. SQL queries could be written within a DIML template.

alias : As a default, the SQL query generates results into the standard SQL:: scope. this attribute allows changing this default setting (a scope should be terminated by the :: conventional scope separator, but this is only a recomandation an has no influence upon the implementation).

fromhtml : This switch enables the automatic filtering of HTML escaped endline (
) to operating system dependant endline sequences.

scalar : This switch allows scalar resolution of the query. It should be used only when the query is known having no more than one result row (eg. based on primary key) , and will ouput data into scalar DIML entries.

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All material is copyleft V.G. FREMAUX (EISTI France) 1999 to 2003 except explicitly mentioned